Saturday, January 30, 2010

PhotoshopStar Birthday Bash (Free Giveaway)

PhotoshopStar are giving away some amazing prizes to the visitors who comment on the post as well as to bloggers who link them to the post and to their sponsors. So Comment & link back to their post today and win the cool prizes.

Prizes for leaving comments

Simply leave a comment below and get the chance to win one of the following:
  • 2 x one-year deviantART subscriptions
  • 2 x three-month deviantART subscriptions
  • 1 x one-year subscription to GameWallpapers
  • 1 x one-year subscription to CGWallpapers
  • 3 month free hosting with Host Gator (Hatchling package)
  • 2 x copies of Killer Domains e-book by Daily Blog Tips

Prizes for linking back

If you want the chance to win one of these prizes, then please link back to this post from your blog; all you have to do is link to this post and our sponsors.


Many thanks to our sponsors who donated prizes:

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