Saturday, January 16, 2010

HelloTXT Status Manager

Are you having trouble on managing your social network and microblogging status? This is where HelloTXT helps you. With HelloTxt you can post your status once and have it appear automatically on all of your networks, allowing you to keep all of your friends up to date with ease. It also lets you read your friends’ updates from main microblogging and social networks all at once. Below are the features of HelloTXT:-
  • Multiple Social Service management. Allows you to have one personal and one professional Twitter account.
  • New media management. This feature makes it easier to enrich your status with pics or video.
  • Added advanced status. You can add a title to your status for the social services that allow it, like Tumblr.
  • Post your pics directly on Tumblr. Soon available also for Facebook and other socials that have pic management.
  • Improved Account Page here, you can manage your LifeStream.
  • Added comment on your Pics or Video and also Status update.
  • Fully compatible with IE6 and IE7, Opera 9.x and of course FireFox, Safari and Chrome.
  • There are other new features that you can discover directly on HelloTxt.
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