Thursday, November 26, 2009

Seinfeld Back in the Apple Fold, In "Curb"

The Jerry Seinfeld - Bill Gates ads were an undeniable flop (although the second one showed promise). At the time, I wondered about the choice of Seinfeld, as he was a definite Mac user in his TV show. Money talks, right?

Anyway, Steve Jobs welcomes back Jerry, as on a recent episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Jerry is seen behind his desk with (gasp) a MacBook in front of him. Yes, yes, just because someone endorses a product doesn't mean they really use it regularly.

After all, does anyone really think Tiger Woods uses Buicks on a regular basis?

A bad TV week for Microsoft, as they also decided that Family Guy (or rather, a live special via Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane) was not the right show to advertise Windows 7 on. Hey, you can bet that special will have great ratings, Microsoft. A big loss for you, not so much for Family Guy.

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