Monday, October 12, 2009

Windows 7 launch party packs arrive

It's just not fair. I was planning the perfect Windows 7 launch party. I had six confirmed guests on Facebook – way more than I've ever had! (OK, five if you don't count me.)
Oh, Microsoft ... why have you failed me? I was your biggest fan. I have a poster-size printout of Bill Gates hanging in my room. And this picture, too, for a little motivation when I'm feeling down. Like now.
Courtesy of TechCrunch
TechCrunch's Windows 7 launch party pack is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. :'-(
There's so much amazing stuff from House Party in TechCrunch's party pack. Look at it! Colored streamers, balloons, Windows 7 napkins, playing cards, Windows 7 bags, informational cards, a Windows 7 poster.
And the crown jewel: A free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate Signature Edition, with an embossed Steve Ballmer autograph.
Argh! And Matt Burns, you have such great party ideas: "Now all I should probably do is watch those instructional videos again for some 'helpful tips,'" he wrote. "Then print off some low-res posters and fun quizes (sic). Finally, I should probably find some friends that actually wanna party with Windows 7."

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