Sunday, June 7, 2009

Intel Debuts Atom Circuit Boards

Appropriately, a tiny Intel system board has debuted to match the tiny Atom processor. This could yield more portable desktop PC designs like the Eee Box.

The ultra-compact voomPC rugged car PC enclosure can take a mini-ITX board with Atom processor

The Intel-made motherboard is based on the Mini-ITX standard, which was originally developed by Via Technologies.

Diminutive desktops based on these motherboards can get as small as a typical notebook PC--a design small enough and light enough to be portable.

Intel is calling this category of desktops that sport an Atom 230 or N270 processor Nettops.

Nettops are designed for basic computing tasks like browsing the Web and sending e-mail and are generally cheap, usually less than $300. They typically offer more expansion options, more ports, and greater flexibility than Atom-based Netbooks, which are essentially small notebook PCs.

Intel Nettops contain tiny desktop motherboards

Intel Nettops contain tiny desktop motherboards.

1 comment:

  1. intel prodect are best in the worl specially intel processor and other intel technology devices
